Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Waiting for chicken to boil

My goodness. My body feels like someone strecthed it across pointed rocks and beat me with a two by four. What really happened was indoor soccer which is debatably more painful. That game last night really showed me that although I may not look like that fat kid in the corner, I definately am one. Not to mention I'm the loser who misses the ball when it's right in front of you. The game was in Ogden and I'm grateful I didn't get too lost, of which I'm very prone to do. This trip I only turned into two wrong places and had to turn around once, but I still manged to get there on time so no complaining here.

But I do have one complaint. What the heck is up with those billboards for Jim Bridger? Am I the only one who has noticed those? I mean come on really. It's great that Jim Bridger discovered the great salt lake and all but I'm pretty sure that was something covered in fourth grade along with those other mountain men. Why is it necessary for there to be a bill board about it and then to have a website on the bottom that is solely about Jim Brigder. What about Peter Schen Ogden or Jeddiah Smith? The only way that website would be romotely helpful besides to the fourth grade population of Utah would be if some woman had an unnaturaly lust for rustic dead mountain men. And if that's the case she has got some serious issues, but I guess life goes on.

1 comment:

  1. As far as the Jim Bridger billboards are concerned they (the billboard company) use them as a counter, if you were to go to that website on the bottom of the billboard it will count you. They then use that # to say for example 100,000 people look here every month.
