Monday, May 30, 2011

Car dancing

I don't know if I'm the only one guilty of this, but when I'm in the car I just rock out. It's a real problem for me. It all started in high school when I had a car that looked like it was used as wrecking ball at some point, but had an awesome sound system. I'd cruise around in this baby and I would turn up the sound way high and just dance. Not only would I dance in my car I would dance walking home too. Few people I do this I realize for fear of being made fun of, but something I realized was that nobody is even watching you. Everyone either wants people to watch them or fear it that they dont' ever look at anyone else. To that I say let loose when driving and do your car dance or a walk dance because no one even notices. Although I have been caught on occasion but who cares, life goes on.