Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why give up what you love?

As more and more engagements come about and others change their statues to "in a relationship" I started thinking. Why would I ever want to be in a relationship? As stated previously I love being single and if it were socially acceptable I would never marry and live out my days traveling the world, learning new languages, and having a home on the beach where it is just me and the sand. The problem lies with the fact that I have to live with people, and people will talk and lecture and tell me how depressing my life is (even the movies do that). But I still love that dream of living on the beach. This just proves that if I ever do get married it will be the real thing because I could never give up my one little paradise without some serious feelings towards a man. Fortunately, the likelihood of that happening seems like almost never right now, but if it does life goes on.

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