August has no holidays, but what it lacks in holidays it makes up in birthdays. Yes, August has the most birthdays than any other month, and I know what you're doing it's November. Anyway, August. Too many birthdays, it's the month of my brother's, my grandpa's, my mom's, my other brother's, my brother-in-law's, and several other people. Which rocks for them because like I said there are no holidays so they get there own special little day in a holiday-less month. You know when my birthday is? January 5. Yes it is overshawdowed by the two biggest holidays of the year, three if you count the fact that after Thanksgiving all it seems to be is holidays. I might as well not even have a birthday since my glory of my birth is sucked up by the glory of a new year and of course the birth of Christ. Go figure, there's no competition when you're birth is after that of the Jesus Christ who was sent to save the world.
However, it does not change the fact that I don't get to celebrate anything officially in august besides other people's birthdays. So you know what screw you August birthdays, I'm celebrating the lesser known holidays like August 10, Lazy day. Finally a holiday I think was invented for me. Or National Thriftshop Day which is august 17th, I 'm gonna get me some sweet clothes from the 70's that day, because it also happens to be my mother's birthday who grew up in the 70's. I'm also going to be celebrating race your mouse day on the 28th. Now they are talking about your computer mouse but I'm going to be racing my nonexistant mice that day, but I'll get some, but if not, life goes on.